
发布时间:2023-09-15 08:55:00

姓    名:费日龙

性    别:


职    称:讲师

职    务:系党支部书记

学    位:博士

学    历:研究生

电    话:

邮    箱:rilong0787@whut.edu.cn






2017.04-   澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜






  1. 余远,费日龙,袁凯华,余谦Characters, comparisons and explications of China's domestic environmental cost of agricultural exports from the perspective of global value chain. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 342, 15 September 2023, 118367(通讯作者,SCI收录)

  2. 侯绍博,于亢亢,费日龙How does environmental regulation affect carbon productivity? The role of green technology progress and pollution transfer.Journal of Environmental Management,Volume 345, 1 November 2023, 118587.(第三作者,SCI收录)

  3. 袁凯华,王科然,费日龙The impact of manufacturing servitization on consumption-based carbon rebound effect: A global value chain research perspective. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 896, 20 October 2023, 165177(通讯作者,SCI收录)

  4. 敖志伟,费日龙,江浩魏,崔凌霄,朱一心How can China achieve its goal of peaking carbon emissions at minimal cost? A research perspective from shadow price and optimal allocation of carbon emissions. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 325, Part A, 1 January 2023, 116458(通讯作者,SCI收录)

  5. 何清,费日龙,王俊杰Monitoring unweighted networks with communities based on latent logit model. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 173, November 2022, 108744(第二作者,SCI收录)

  6. 吴肖丽,潘安,费日龙Three-dimensional heterogeneity analysis of climate aid's carbon reduction effect.Journal of Environmental Management.Volume 289, 1 July 2021, 112524(第三作者,SCI收录)

  7. 费日龙,林子怡.How land transfer affects agricultural land use efficiency: Evidence from China’s agricultural sector. Land Use Policy, Volume 103, April 2021, Article 105300 (第一作者,SCI收录)

  8. 费日龙,王浩林,文子豪,袁帧.Tracking factor substitution and the rebound effect of China’s agricultural energy consumption: A new research perspective from asymmetric response.  Energy, Volume 216, April 2021, Article 119307 (第一作者,SCI收录)

  9. 费日龙,谢梦圆,魏昕.Has the water rights system reform restrained the water rebound effect? Empirical analysis from China's agricultural sector.  Agricultural Water Management, Volume 246, December 2020, Article 106690 (第一作者,SCI收录)

  10. 江敏杰,胡新杰,林子怡,费日龙.Does the popularization of agricultural mechanization improve energy-environment performance in China’s agricultural sector? Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 276, December 2020, Article 124210 (通讯作者,SCI收录)

  11. 费日龙,崔爱雪,秦科宇.Can technology R&D continuously improve green development level in the open economy? Empirical evidence from China's industrial sector.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (29) , pp.36605-36620;

  12. 马玎,费日龙.How government regulation impacts on energy and CO2 emissions performance in China's mining industry. Resources Policy, Volume 62, December 2018, Pages 651-663 (通讯作者,SCI收录)

  13. 费日龙,林伯强.The integrated efficiency of inputs-outputs and energy - CO2 emissions performance of China's agricultural sector. (2016) Renewable & Sustainable Energy ReviewsVolume 75, August 2017, Pages 668-676. (第一作者,SCI收录)

  14. 费日龙,林伯强.Estimates of energy demand and energy saving potential in China's agricultural sector. (2016) EnergyVolume 135, September 2017, Pages 865-875. (第一作者,SCI收录)

  15. 费日龙,林伯强. Energy efficiency and production technology heterogeneity in China's agricultural sector: A meta-frontier approach, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Volume 109, August 2016, Pages 25-34. (第一作者,SSCI收录)

  16. 林伯强,费日龙. Regional differences of CO2 emissions performance in China’s agricultural sector: A Malmquist index approach. European Journal of Agronomy. 70 (2015) 33–40. (第二作者,SCI收录)

  17. 林伯强,费日龙. Analyzing inter-factor substitution and technical progress in the Chinese agricultural sector. European Journal of Agronomy. 66 (2015) 54–61. (第二作者,SCI收录)



  1. 武汉市氢能产业发展“十四五”规划专题研究(20212s0116),项目负责人


  1. 科技园区办公楼宇与城市写字楼的异同研究(URC202207),项目负责人


  1. 2023年,第十六届中国老员工计算机设计大赛中南地区赛贰等奖(第一指导教师)

  2. 2023年,湖北省第十四届“挑战杯·中国银行”老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖(第三指导教师)

  3. 2019-2022年聘期考核优秀

  4. 2021年,澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜年度考核优秀;

  5. 2019年,澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜年度考核优秀;

  6. 201504月,厦门大学吴宣恭奖学金;

  7. 201510月,厦门大学国家奖学金;

  8. 201511月,厦门大学优秀员工干部
