
发布时间:2024-09-04 08:21:00

姓    名:马玎

性    别:


职    称:副教授

职    务:系副主任

学    位:博士

学    历:研究生

电    话:

邮    箱:mading@whut.edu.cn






2017.03-   澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜






    《Technology in Society》、《IEEE ACCESS》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《International Journal of Technology Management》、《International Journal of Innovation and Technology  Management》、《Entropy》审稿人




  1. Cai Z., Ma D.*(共一), Zhou R., Zhang Z. Unraveling the impact of patent transfers on regional innovation: Empirical insights through the lens of entity relationships [J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 208: 123666.

  2. Sheng Y-K., Qu Y-Y., Ma Ding*. Stock price crash prediction based on multimodal data machine learning models [J]. Finance Research Letter, 2024, 105195.

  3. Li J, Yu Q*, Ma D*. Does China's high-speed rail network promote inter-city technology transfer? ——A multilevel network analysis based on the electronic information industry [J]. Transport Policy, 2024, 145: 11-24.

  4. Sheng Yankai, Ma D.*. Stock index spot futures arbitrage prediction using machine learning models [J]. Entropy, 2022, 24(10): 1462.

  5. Ma D., Cai Z-S., Zhu C-K. Technology transfer efficiency of universities in China: A three-stage framework based on the dynamic network slacks-based measurement model [J]. Technology in Society, 2022,70,102031.

  6. Ma D., Li Y., Zhu K., Huang H., Cai Z. Who innovates with whom and why? A comparative analysis of the global research networks supporting climate change mitigation [J]. Energy Research & Social Science, 2022, 88, 102523.

  7. Wang, J., Li, S.*, Ma, D., & Hao, P. Strategic and economic implications of forward contracting in the presence of capacity expansion [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 134, 107418.

  8. Fei, R.L., Xie, M.Y., Wei X., Ma, D.Has the water rights system reform restrained the water rebound effect? Empirical analysis from China's agricultural sector [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021, 246, 106690.

  9. Ma, D., Yu, Q., Li,J., Ge,M. Innovation diffusion enabler or barrier: An investigation of international patenting based on temporal exponential random graph models [J]. Technology in Society, 2021, 64: 101456.

  10. Yu,Q., Yu,Z.H., Ma,D*. A Multiplex Network Perspective of Innovation Diffusion: An Information-Behavior Framework. IEEE Access, 2020, 8:36427-36440.

  11. Ma D., Zhang,Y.R.,Zhang,F. The Influence of Network Positions on Exploratory Innovation: An Empirical Evidence from China’s Patent Analysis [J]. Science, Technology and Society, 2020, 25(1):184-207.

  12. Zhang, Y.Z., Chen R., Ma D*. A weighted and directed perspective of global stock market connectedness: a variance decomposition and GERGM framework [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 2020,12(11):4605.

  13. Ma,D. Fei,R., Yu, Y. How government regulation impacts on energy and CO2 emissions performance in China's mining industry [J]. Resources Policy, 2018, 62: 651-633.

  14. 朱金生,朱华,马玎.新兴产业发展的就业创造与破坏——基于鲶鱼效应视角的实证检验[J].中国人口科学, 2022, (01): 59-72+127.

  15. 马玎,万蓬勃.互联网金融发展、银企关联与创业板公司债务融资[J].金融与保险,2019:12,人大复印资料全文转载.

  16. 马玎,叶建木,刘思施.制度压力调节下的企业生态创新与盈利性的关系研究[J].管理学报, 2016, 13(2): 275-284.

  17. Ma D., Yu Y., Liu S., Zhang Y. Dynamics of waste-to-energy incineration R&D collaboration networks: a social network analysis based on patent data [J]. Geosystem Engineering, 2017, 20(2): 59-70.


  1. Cai, Z-S., Huang, H-H., Ma D*. A system dynamics model for public opinion diffusion and response strategy of government creditability crisis event during COVID-19 Pandemic [C]. The 5th International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICMSS2021) (线上)

  2. Fang H., Ma, D. Cost-sensitive ensemble learning for venture capital exit prediction. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ICMLC 2024, (EI检索) [C]//2024 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2024).

  3. Chen Yan, Ma Ding. Detection of greenwashing in ESG reports of Chinese listed companies based on Word2vec and TF-IDFEI检索)[C]//Proceedings of the 2024 3th International Conference on Innovation in Artificial Intelligence.


  1. 《低碳能源技术研发网络的生成、演化和效应研究》,知识产权出版社,2017.

  2. 《专利交易透视下的中国技术转移—涌现、效能与鲁棒性研究》,知识产权出版社,2024.



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:知识网络与技术转移网络互动的涌现、效应和鲁棒性研究,(72004173),主持;

  2. 创新创业带动就业的有效性与协同性研究,国家社会科学基金项目(198YJ057),主要参与;

  3. 金融创新与经济增长耦合的机理、效率与模式研究,国家社会科学基金项目(17BJL031),主要参与;

  4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(多层网络视角的高铁对城市间技术转移的影响研究,2021IVB030),主持.

  5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(金融创新与中小企业发展的系统动力机制分析,2019VI059),主持.


  1. 2022.05参加第八届全国金融硕士教学案例大赛,参赛案例:当人工智能遇见社会网络——商业银行票据风险管理的旧问新解,全国金融教指委评选为优秀案例。

  2. 2022.06澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜青年教师授课大赛一等奖

  3. 2022.05澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜青年教师授课大赛一等奖

  4. 指导并结题2020年国家级老员工创新创业训练计划项目《新冠疫情下湖北省国内外舆情风险得评估及应对策略研究》

  5. 指导学士学位论文《多层网络视角下的银行间系统性风险扩散研究—基于广义方差分解和GERGM模型》获澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜优秀学士学位论文,2021

  6. 指导学士学位论文《基于量化投资的稳定收益alpha 策略研究 —— 圣杯有可能存在吗?》获澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜优秀学士学位论文,2020

  7. 2019-2020聘期考核优秀

  8. 2018.03澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜青年教师授课大赛三等奖
